GroupAlarm Changelog

All changes to GroupAlarm.

  1. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Improved Event Manpower Report iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We fixed a bug where a person was counted multiple times in multiple alarms when reporting the event's strength.

  2. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Improved JSON parser function in the flow iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    A new data type “Output as JSON” allows objects extracted from JSON to be further processed as such, e.g. when passing them via HTTP within another JSON string.

  3. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Improved API documentation iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We have improved the documentation of the API interface createAlert. You can now check the available options within the optional content.

  4. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Skipping empty shift groups in full escalation iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    If a shift group is without participants (i.e. because of empty shift plans or paused labels), it will be skipped directly in future regardless of the configured waiting time.

  5. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    More characters for messages to the F.R.E.D. pagers iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    900 characters are now available for sending messages to the F.R.E.D. pagers in the flow element "Send message to pager".

  6. Hanno Heeskens | CEO

    GroupAlarm Trust Center published iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The GroupAlarm Trust Center provides information about our certifications, memberships, key subcontractors and implemented policies (

  7. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    New "Position change" flow trigger iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    A new flow trigger "Position change", which reacts to position changes of units, has been added.

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  8. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Improved feedback on the alarm monitors iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The Unit Feedback panel has new filters, e.g. filter options by unit, name and sorting of entries.

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  9. Thomas Düren Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Alarm monitor shows organizations involved iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The alarm monitor now displays the organizations involved in the alarm in a new panel, including alerted units and positive feedback.

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  10. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Description in flow functions iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Descriptions can now be added to individual flow functions for better documentation.

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  11. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Reload interval of the I-Frame panel iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The reload interval for the I-Frame panel on the monitors is now adjustable so that the page is not reloaded every minute, causing an unsightly effect on the monitor.

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  12. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Pager statistics iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Track the availability of individual pagers over a longer period of time.

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  13. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Invoice format XRechnung and ZUGFeRD iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    You can now select the invoice format yourself between PDF, XRechnung and ZUGFeRD in GroupAlarm. You can find the setting in the billing section under invoice recipient.

  14. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Deprecation of TLS 1.0 & 1.1 and webin API as of June 30, 2025 iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    To ensure the continued security and efficiency of our services, we are deactivating insecure protocols and removing rarely used APIs.

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  15. Fabian Lanzerath Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Private Flows for more data security iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Flows can now be marked as private when inherited, so that no data (insights) can be viewed in the sub-organizations.

  16. Fabian Lanzerath Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Control user profile settings via the app iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Participants can now access certain profile functions directly via the app, e.g. the pausable labels or the email notification when they accept an alert (for employers or similar).

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  17. Jason Songhurst Thomas Düren | Software Engineer

    Improving the data connection for alarm monitors iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The information on the alarm monitors is now provided in real time without periodic reloading (SSE).

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  18. Jason Songhurst Thomas Düren | Software Engineer

    Pauseable Lebels on F.R.E.D. iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Pauseable Labels are now available in the F.R.E.D. menu

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  19. Thomas Düren Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Filter for WDX3 messages iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We are introducing a filter for units so that WDX3 messages only show up in the associated organizations.

  20. Yannick Gasper Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    New e-mail provider iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We implemented a new e-mail provider for data privacy reasons.

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  21. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Line breaks in the guard book/incident log iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We have corrected an error in the records in the guard book/incident log that did not display the line breaks that were entered.

  22. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    New layout for strength report iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The strength report has been revised and displays the selected labels more clearly.

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  23. Thomas Düren Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Connection manager for interfacing with GroupAlarm iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The connection manager organises and monitors the connection to third-party systems.

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  24. Fabian Lanzerath Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Severity for events and alarms iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We are implementing freely configurable severities for events and alarms, which can be individually signalled in the apps.

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  25. Fabian Lanzerath Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Appointment reminders iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    GroupAlarm now sends reminders of upcoming appointments via app.

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  26. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Fix for the inheritance of permissions iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We have fixed a bug where participants with inherited permissions did not have access to newly created sub-organisations.

  27. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Optimised view of the quick actions iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The layout of the quick actions on the organisation dashboard has been updated. In addition to improved behaviour on small screens, they can now be collapsed.

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  28. Fabian Lanzerath Thomas Düren Yannick Gasper Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Document management in GroupAlarm iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The document manager is now available to our customers as a new, powerful function that enables the centralised management of important documents and information.

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  29. Hanno Heeskens | CEO

    More Icons for QuickActions iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    New icons have been added to the quick actions. The larger selection ensures that the icons are better suited to different alarm scenarios.

  30. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Smart labels in the apps iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Previously, only normal labels could be selected in the app when creating an alarm. With the new app versions, smart labels created in the organisation can now also be selected here.

  31. Thomas Düren | Software Engineer

    Easier CSV import iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    It is now possible to update participant data via CSV. Previously, it was only possible to delete or update the data individually.

  32. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    JSON Parser output as list iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The JSON parser in our Flows can now output lists instead of only single values.

  33. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Better redelivery of alarms to FRED pagers iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We have shortened the time in which a pager signals an open alarm after a new login. Open alarms are now checked and delivered immediately after logging into the system.

  34. Thomas Düren | Software Engineer

    Data retention in Groupalarm iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Old events and alarms can now be completely removed from GroupAlarm.

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  35. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Automated email notifications iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    With this update, we are introducing a new beta feature: The automated email notifications.

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  36. Thomas Düren | Software Engineer

    New role for assigning Labels iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    We have introduced a new role that only authorises the assignment of labels to participants.

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  37. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Tag assignment to scenarios iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Simplify tag assignment to scenarios

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  38. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Update the pager name on assignment iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    If the pager is assigned to a participant, the participant name on the pager is now updated immediately. Previously, there was a waiting time of up to several hours.

  39. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Deletion of inactive organisations iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    From now on, we will automatically delete inactive organisations after three months.

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  40. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    WDX3 interface iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    GroupAlarm now supports the WDX-3 interface for connecting the ELS Cobra (ISE).

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  41. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Gong and announcement function for monitors iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    This update adds a chime and read aloud feature to the monitor.

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  42. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    GroupAlarm is now available in French iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    GroupAlarm and the apps are now also available in French.

  43. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Dynamic layers for the monitor iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    With this update, the monitor gets new layers, overlays and the option to display points of interest.

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  44. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Automatic adjustment of quotas iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Immediately upon requesting an increased quota, 1000 executions are added so that (e.g. the flow) works again immediately.

  45. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Updating the DWD map layers iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    With this update, we update the existing DWD map layers and extend the layer selection with the addition of Weather warnings for inland lakes, Pollen hazard index, Lightning short-term forecast and Lightning density.

  46. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Trigger alarm via the apps iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Previously, organisations with inherited permissions were not available in the apps to trigger an alarm. This has been corrected so that all organisations authorised for alarm creation can now be selected.

  47. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Enhancement of the alarm report iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    With this update, we are improving the information in the alarm report.

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  48. Hanno Heeskens | CEO

    Extended validity for app pushes iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The validity period of push notifications has been extended to 10 minutes. This means that alerts can be sent for longer in the event of short-term signal loss on mobile phones.

  49. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Specification of the externalEventID iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    With this update we correct the behaviour of the externalEventID.

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  50. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    New "Status change" flow trigger iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    A new flow trigger "Status change", which reacts to status changes of units, has been added.

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  51. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Adjustment of the manpower report on the alarm display iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    On the alarm display, the labels in the "Manpower report" panel are now displayed proportionally to the selected font size.

  52. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Support of different coordinate formats iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Other formats are now supported in addition to the GPS coordinate format.

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  53. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Participant list now displays device deactivation by the organization. iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    In the participant list, it is now directly visible on which devices an alarm will be sent to a participant.

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  54. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Shift groups now support synchronization with labels. iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    To make it easier to manage the participants in the shift schedules, the shift groups now also support synchronization with labels.

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  55. Marvin Menzerath | Head of Engineering

    Configure FRED Pagers iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Administrators can now configure the settings of the FRED pagers directly in GroupAlarm.

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  56. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    General availability via FRED pager iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Set the general availability of a participant via the FRED pager.

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  57. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    Pager Searching and Sorting iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The pager table supports searching and sorting by specific columns.

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  58. Yannick Gasper | Software Engineer

    PGP decryption in the flow iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    The Flow gets a component to decrypt pgp-encrypted text.

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  59. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Pager deadman and emergency call functions as Flow-Triggers iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    A flow is triggered when a deadman or emergency alarm is dispatched from a pager.

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  60. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Labels can be paused by the participant iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Participants can now select or deselect accordingly configured labels in their profile.

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  61. Hanno Heeskens | CEO

    SMS message: event and alarm text in 160 characters iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    A new option in the organization settings now allows to shorten the SMS text including event name to 160 characters. Previously, this option was only available for sending the alarm text.

  62. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Participants can view their label assignments iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Each participant can now see in their personal profile which labels have been assigned to them in which organization.

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  63. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Monitors with authentication iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    From now on, displays can be activated and better managed with a password.

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  64. Fabian Lanzerath | Software Engineer

    Organizations can enforce 2FA iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Organizations can now enforce two-factor authentication for new participants.

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  65. Jason Songhurst | Software Engineer

    Closing date for appointments iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    For one-off appointments, you can optionally set a feedback deadline. Once the date has been reached, appointment invitations can no longer be changed.

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  66. Hanno Heeskens | CEO

    Start of the English changelog iOS Android FRED Pager Web

    Until now, the changelog was only available in German - from now on it will also be available in English.

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